“Did you cut your hair?”
“Did you cut your hair?”
Today's entry : Did not kill self.
"Who the f*ck is Aidah?"
"No, it's Bella. Just Bella"
Is there a God? Does he see? Does he care?
"The greatest love, of all, is easy to achieve, Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all."
Who knew sex is breakup therapy?
Friendship covers a spectrum of characters.
Humanity is sick and we are the virus.
Liberated Sexual Culture or Moral Panic?
Did they tell you that yours is so lil you can't even hold it in your hands?
And I want to break up with you, But sadly, you are Me.
Real Men Don't cry...or so the legend goes...
The peaceful look on corpses reminds me life isn't a gift,
But then, who said that love and friendship are mutually exclusive?
An open letter to my lover
I am imperfect but I have learnt to rock in this world as an armpit.
Love Is a drug I don't wanna OD from. The garden grows gloomy after dark.
Danger, here lies, where love dies
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