On George, The hopeless Romantic

Bros before....

As I read through the letter I could feel the words flowing off his heart and not merely a pen, writer of tears but not ink. I struggled not to drop these tears of mine on the now most precious document. It read...

Dear William,

Ever heard the story of how the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night just to let her breathe? Right now, it makes sense, but let me take you there. To my story. For we all know a story of a man is told after his death and they will say things, but this is what really happened.

I hope you would not miss all the fun we shared together because I did and still do, all the crazy things we did before she came along and we started a continental drift away from each other. You were like a brother to me, but SHE! I found it warming to tell her of my day and sing her a song as she fell asleep on my arms. I found a SHE that knew and understood even the dustiest corners of my mixed-up soul. I actually never thought beings so pure ever existed in life. My heart only grew bigger and bigger and took into a point deeper of love, a point of no return.

No. I couldn't think of the rock, I don't know why love was so impractical in this life, maybe where I am going it is different bro, I really hope it is. I was addicted to her. I cared and cared some more. I just couldn't love enough. I didn't know how I loved her, when I did and where it came from I still knew not. I just loved her straightforwardly. I loved her genuinely and sometimes fiercely, sometimes both at once. I was ready to take over the world with one hand and my queen on the other. She was my moon, I was his sun.

BUT! There wasn't a but, but there's always a but. I really came to only get that I became a hopeless romantic somewhere between being hopelessly in love and treasuring what I found in her, my completion. Falling in love became painful, one of the best mistakes. She turned the tide, as I fell into the slumber of love, and when I woke up it was all too far.

She kept saying sorry. It really meant nothing to her. Though I am a guy, I knew it was all bogus. In her mind, that was the best thing she did. My fairytale filled with rainbows and ponies turned into a cold frozen nightmare. Being me in this 'hookup' world killed me. It was hell her and still is where I am going in the next thirty minutes. I feel a head rush and my heart's beating too fast. I think I took too much cocaine. I really hope it all makes sense to you, William. That is how the sun's love for his moon killed him every night, till he could never come back again.

Yours lovely,


This was my high school BFF. We all parted ways because of their 'love'. It killed me to know I had not told him everything. I was too busy trying to make a million, or maybe I just didn't want to, but maybe I was guilty in all. This is his story for y'all to read. It is all I could do. The story of the hopeless romantic. George.

I was hit by all this, but the girl wasn't.


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