On The Subtle Allure of the Unattained
So you wanna catch the next big thing? This is where rabbits (metaphorically speaking) intertwine with human life.
I strongly believe that any one person is uniquely different from any other in a whole bunch of ways. People talk differently, walk differently, react differently to similar situations, interact differently with the same people (the list of differences probably spans across Earth’s diameter and back). One of the few things that these unique human beings seem to have in common, however, is their fascination with what is not theirs.
John has just graduated from high school and has time to kill. He's extremely focused, though, so he keeps himself occupied with activities that will look good on his college applications. There is one particular university on John’s mind, so even though he has already been admitted to two local universities and one overseas, he will keep applying to his “dream school” till he is admitted, or his patience runs out (whichever comes first).
You would prolly assume that John painstakingly undergoes this arduous process of “chasing after one rabbit” because of whatever the heck kids apply to particular universities for (favorable curriculum, prestige, promise of adventure, being an awesome fit for them, etc.). You could not be further from the truth. Many-if not all not-of the universities he has already secured admission to have fairly the same qualities as the one he relentlessly sought after.
Chances are if he is eventually admitted to this university that is a fantastic catch in his eyes, he will be elated. Unbeknownst to him, he was only in it for the adrenaline rush and the sleepless nights. That particular elation will disappear, gradually being replaced by a yearning to get something identical elsewhere. He will stop regarding that university as fondly as he did before; it will become just another conquered hurdle, a trekked mountain. John will have a really hard time at this “perfect” university. He should have spent more time and effort finding one that satisfies more of his needs, ease of admission notwithstanding.
What sets this rabbit apart is what I'd like to address: The subtle allure of the unattained.It is subtle because you would never have imagined that that was probably the most prominent reason for your enthusiastic determination. This allure is sneaky like that; some time later you will realize that the sound of her voice no longer sends tingly chills down your spine, she for whom you relinquished your pride to court and be with; that phone you took a loan to purchase now seems heavy in your hands and too slow for your liking. At this point, you will begin chasing after the next uncaptured rabbit.
This allure is an underlying cause of kleptomania, characterized by recurrent episodes of compulsive stealing. The items stolen are usually of trivial value and are not necessarily needed by the individual stealing them, rather just wanted. Many of us are people kleptomaniacs, opportunity kleptomaniacs, item kleptomaniacs—going after these things just because we like the chase, but once that thrill of pursuit wears off, we move on to experience it again.
The attained will become redundant, unappreciated, disposable, or even downright annoying, right until you lose it somehow and the cycle continues—perhaps she will get tired of your indifference, or pass away, so you will mourn, reminisce, and wish you could once more hear that voice that had begun to bore you. It will be too late to salvage your relationship by then. Hopefully, you will learn your lesson and pay closer attention to your priorities next time.
However, like many other phenomena, (would you look at that? I promoted my concept to the phenomena zone) TSAOTU has its perks. You are always on your toes for the next big thing. You do not settle for less. You are predisposed to set goals, and you strive to achieve them against all odds.
My appeal to you: choose these goals (previously presented to you as rabbits) wisely. Let them not only be short-term sources of fulfillment, but also long-term investments towards your happiness. May the effort you put into attaining them constantly remind you the reason you set out in their path in the first place. Never let boredom be the reason you walk away from things and people you once felt you could not live without; appreciate them daily, and most importantly, may that appreciation never dim too much that you feel the need to transfer it to the next uncaught rabbit.
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